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Whistleblower Lawsuits

Whistleblower Lawyers all CT State & NY Federal Courts
New Haven & all Connecticut Cities

Is Your Connecticut Employer or Other Company Cheating the Government For Profit?
Connecticut and U.S. Whistleblower Laws Offer Cash Rewards and Protect Those Who Report Fraud.

Hard working citizens are getting fed up with corporate greed, dishonesty and lack of accountability – and are willing to report employers who are skirting the law and getting away with it. Millions in valuable Connecticut taxpayer dollars are stolen each year by companies engaging in misconduct for financial gain from taxpayer funded programs and contracts.

Whistleblowers wanting to stop the fraud and earn a sometimes large cash reward can report knowledge of:

  • Connecticut Medicaid fraud
  • Medicare fraud
  • State and Federal tax fraud
  • Securities law violations
  • Misrepresentation in government contracts
  • Pharmaceutical fraud
  • Kickbacks and other misconduct

Both the U.S. and Connecticut government reward whistleblowers substantially, with large cash awards and powerful legal protections – if they are the first to report a fraud and if they follow the claims process carefully, and here you need a lawyer.

Bookkeepers, pharmacists, physicians, bankers, consultants, sales reps, executives and other professionals are paid hundreds of millions of dollars each year in cash awards for blowing the whistle.

Federal and Connecticut False Claims Acts pay whistleblowers for non-public information on misconduct and protect “relators” (people who blow the whistle by filing a False Claims lawsuit) from employer retaliation in response to reporting fraud.

Bestselling author of Taking Back the Courts and In the Trenches, Connecticut civil rights and whistleblower attorney Norma Pattis, is nationally recognized for his diligent, meticulous preparation of victorious cases.

The leading Connecticut whistleblower lawsuit team at the Pattis & Associates, LLC Law Firm include associated experts in Federal and Connecticut whistleblower laws and have the full investigative power to build a bulletproof whistleblower claim to maximize your chances of earning your cash reward.

Call today for an immediate case evaluation. Learn your eligibility for a whistleblower award and potential award amount in an absolutely confidential & no-obligation Pattis & Associates, LLC Law Firm case consultation - 203.393.3017

Our Connecticut Whistleblower Lawyers Maximize Whistleblower Cash Awards

Federal and Connecticut State False Claims Acts provide whistleblowers with massive cash rewards totaling between 10-30% of the total government recovery from a successful verdict or settlement.  Because each false or fraudulent claim for payment is calculated based on the government’s recovery, whistleblower rewards have ranged from the hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of dollars.

Whistleblower award amounts are determined by a number of variables, including:

  • Adherence to proper reporting procedures
  • First-to-report whistleblower status
  • Timeliness of report
  • Number of false or fraudulent claims submitted
  • Damage incurred by government program
  • Non-public, unique nature of reported knowledge
  • Level of contribution to investigation
  • Level of participation in the misconduct

Pattis & Associates Connecticut whistleblower lawyers are unsurpassed in the degree of legal knowledge and experience it takes to maximize whistleblower cash rewards. Unlike fraud reporting ‘hotlines’, the Pattis & Associates Connecticut team of expert whistleblower attorneys will weigh every aspect of your specific case to ensure you can claim the absolute maximum cash award possible.

Equip yourself with a winning whistleblower lawsuit from the outset - speak with a Pattis & Associates whistleblower lawyer today. It’s completely confidential and there is no obligation to pursue your report and claim - 203.393.3017

Connecticut Whistleblowers Are Rewarded For Original, Non-Public Information on Fraud

Federal and Connecticut False Claims Acts offer citizens with original, non-public information on companies engaging in fraud substantial cash awards and powerful protection from employer retaliation.

Because the information must be ‘original’ and ‘non-public,’ whistleblowers are frequently company insiders – employees or ex-employees – who become alerted to misconduct. Yet no such relationship is necessary to file a whistleblower lawsuit. Competitor companies, contractors, accountants and other outsiders can also file whistleblower claims. The only requirement is that the information is original and non-public.

Original, non-public information is knowledge that the government would not have known about without your report. Collected information must therefore not be available on the Internet, television, radio or in government records.

Public information may still apply in certain circumstances, as when your specific analysis of that information leads to evidence supporting misconduct. Pattis & Associates Connecticut Whistleblower Lawyers’ areas of competence include:

  • Federal Medicare and Connecticut Medicaid fraud
  • Pharmaceutical and emergency transport fraud
  • Defense Contractor fraud
  • Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) fraud
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS) fraud
  • Federal and Connecticut government contract fraud
  • Bank or financial fraud

Connecticut companies participating in misconduct to profit from government funds are unfortunately not uncommon. These schemes range from seemingly accidental billing errors all the way through complex and elaborate arrangements and schemes encompassing several business entities. Common types of fraud committed against the government and therefore eligible for cash whistleblower awards include but are not limited to:

  • Misrepresentation
  • Identity theft
  • False or fraudulent billing
  • Failure to report overpayments
  • False certifications
  • Licensing fraud
  • Mislabeling
  • Kickbacks
  • Ponzi schemes
  • Accounting fraud
  • Insider trading
  • Bribery

If you have original information regarding corporate misconduct, you must be first-to-file to secure your eligibility for a cash award. Act now to solidify your role as whistleblower. Contact a Pattis & Associates Connecticut whistleblower consultant immediately for a confidential, no-cost case evaluation - 203.393.3017

Federal and Connecticut Whistleblower Laws Protect Against Employer Retaliation

A number of Federal and Connecticut state laws are in place to protect whistleblowers against vindictive employers who engage in various forms of retaliation after discovering the employee has blown the whistle (or plan to blow the whistle) on misconduct.

Whistleblowers are eligible to file a claim for damages even if they have only reported the misconduct to a supervisor.

Forms of retaliation that qualify under Federal and Connecticut state whistleblower laws include discharge, demotion, suspension, threats, harassment, discrimination and promotion denial. Any employee who is retaliated against in response to information disclosure is entitled to all relief necessary to "make the employee whole," including:

  • Job reinstatement
  • Double back pay for lost wages
  • Litigation costs and attorneys’ fees
  • Applicable special damages

Our expert Pattis & Associates Connecticut whistleblower attorneys apply all applicable statutes to collect damages for Connecticut whistleblowers, including:

  • Federal False Claims Act
  • Connecticut False Claims Act
  • Protections for Employees of Health Care Facilities (Conn. Gen. Stat. §19a-498a)
  • Protections for Employees of Publicly Traded Corporations (Conn. Gen. Stat. §33-1336)
  • Protections for Foundation Employees (Conn. Gen. Stat. §4-37j)
  • Protections for Internal Reporting (Conn. Gen. Stat. §3-51m)
  • Protections for State Contractor Employees (Conn. Gen. Stat. §4-61dd)

If you have been fired, demoted or harassed by your employer for reporting information regarding fraud, you have rights under federal and Connecticut state whistleblower laws. Act fast! Statutes of limitations apply in filing for damages related to employer retaliation. Contact a Pattis & Associates whistleblower lawyer now for a fully confidential case evaluation. 203.393.3017

Timing is Critical! Connecticut Whistleblower First-to-File and Statutes of Limitation Apply

The ‘first-to-file’ requirement prevents multiple whistleblowers from filing claims on the same information by barring claims based on the same facts or evidence. Though multiple individuals may file joint claims, the first claim filed is typically the only one eligible to receive a whistleblower cash award.

False Claims Act whistleblower lawsuits must be filed within six years of the alleged false claim. Dodd-Frank Act claims must be filed within three years of the misconduct. Several state statute of limitations regarding retaliation may be as short as 30 to 60 days.

Statutes are subject to change and different rules apply to different scenarios. It is vital to a successful whistleblower claim that you consult with a Pattis & Associates Whistleblower lawyer the moment you feel you have knowledge of fraud. Call now to learn your rights and eligibility for a cash award - 203.393.3017

  • NBC
  • WNPR
  • Fox Boston
  • O’reilly
  • 60 Minutes
  • Inside Edition
  • Good Morning America
  • The New York Times
  • ABC News